Legacy: About (Leaping from 2008 to 2019)
This is an updated instance of the WordPress blogging software, moving from the originally installed version 2.5.1, to version 4.9.9. One purpose of RB News & Notes is to provide a virtual space where friends of the Roberta Bitgood Commons and others interested in my mother’s life and career may learn more about materials uncovered in curating her professional papers. When new illustrative materials are added to the Roberta Bitgood Commons site, whether they be previously unpublished reminiscences, newly scanned documents, images, or links to other media, a notice will be posted here.
RB News & Notes is not intended to be a “blog about blogging.” Neither is it a venue for generating buzz in the so-called blogosphere (there are plenty of those elsewhere). The main idea is to provide a convenient yet dynamic resource for sharing new Bitgood information, such that the community of interest can be reached, and the task of appropriately disposing of the Bitgood papers can be facilitated. In short, RB News & Notes is intended more as a virtual bulletin board than as a blog.
Accordingly, we do not open posts to user comments, in hopes of keeping the maintenance of RB News & Notes to a minimum. Instead, if users find information here which they wish to pursue (for example, to claim a particular set of choir parts that has been offered), they may send e-mail to the address provided in the relevant post (or get in touch by phone).
My comment is that comments are now closed, and I will edit the post to this effect today.
Comment by Grace Wiersma — December 27, 2008 @ 1:15 am